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Image by Dan Gold

Culinary Medicine Professional Certification Course

Professional certification course designed by specialist for the professional

Culinary Medicine Certification Course

Complete the course in six months and earn credentials: 

  • Culinary Medicine Specialist

  • Culinary Medicine Chef​

Why Do You Need This Cooking Course?

Culinary Medicine Specialist is a designation that identifies clinicians, coaches, chefs and other practitioners who have the comprehensive knowledge on nutrition, culinary coaching and culinary skills simply blending the art of cooking for health. 


Culinary medicine is not a gourmet cooking. It pairs the art of food preparation with the science of medicine. It is the practice of helping patients use nutrition and good cooking habits to restore and maintain health. 


It's about teaching the why and the how behind low-cost, convenient, health-promoting, and delicious home-cooked meals, and healthy eating patterns.


It is as much about learning which foods reduce inflammation and promotes lowering of blood cholesterol as it is about how to properly slice an onion and cook food with rich flavors with enticing plate presentation.


More importantly, culinary medicine offers individuals an opportunity to practice culinary skills and taste new recipes alongside with health education, and all of which is taught in a way that effectively translates to home kitchen.


Culinary medicine is purely evidence-based field of medicine. In fact, a growing number of medical schools in the United States are increasing the education provided to their students on clinical nutrition by bringing medical students in the teaching kitchen. And now the Philippine College of Medicine brings the Culinary Medicine Certification Course in Asia.


What Will You Learn In This Course?

This accredited online Culinary Medicine course will give you easy access at your own convenient time using your smartphone, iPad or laptop with a user friendly platform to enhance comprehensive learning.


  • You can go through the module, tasks and videos repeatedly to make sure you're not missing anything.


  • It is a program with a blended curriculum composed of online and in person modules that anyone can finish between 6 to 12 months at their own pace.


  • The online component provide foundational knowledge in Culinary skills, behavioral coaching, and clinical nutrition for specific groups of disease.


  • The course is composed of 16 modules customized for Chronic Diseases prevention, reversal and management blended with culinary coaching, culinary skills, nutrition assessment and prescription. There will be a remarkable emphasis on Chronic disease prevention and reversal such as Diabetes, Heart disease and Dyslipidemia based on published evidences.


  • You will be learning about the optimal diet for pregnant women who are in a crucial stage of determining the future health outcome of their offspring down to the next generation.


  • The certification exam is given by the Philippine Board of Lifestyle Medicine every month of August. So there will be enough time to comply with other requisites to qualify for the exam



Culinary Medicine Specialist


To become a Culinary Medicine Specialist you need to successfully pass the Certification exam given by the Philippine Board of Lifestyle Medicine.


To qualify for the exam, you need to comply with the following requisites:


Completing 16 online modules.


Completing 4 modules conducted in-person via online classroom.


Attend two virtual events conducted by PLCM.


Philippine Specialty Board of Lifestyle Medicine

Culinary Medicine Chef

To qualify for a certification as Culinary Medicine Chef, you need to comply with the same requisite for Culinary Medicine Specialist.


An added requirement is to have a functional teaching kitchen for patients/clients.


It can be home-based, clinical or commercial set-up as long as you are using the kitchen for Culinary Medicine education through serving food or cooking classes.

For more info, please contact us at

Contact Me

Clinics & Teaching Kitchen:
Remnant Institute Inc. 
26 Huervana St., Lapaz, Iloilo City, Philippines 5000
73 Road 2, Bagong Pag-asa,

Quezon City

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